Making a room for a 5 year old girl.

Designing the room for a little girl was a dream come true from a creative point of view. The mom of the little girl was so on board with every suggestion I had and gave me a free hand to be creative.

The little girl came up with her color scheme ; she liked the purple and turquoise colors so we started to work with that. Her new bedding gave us a lot of ideas how to combine the existing colors with new ones. The three new pieces of furniture were custom remade to match the color of the bed.

This chandelier is no doubt a star of the room.   Because  we couldn’t place it in the middle of the room due to the much needed fan already occupying the prime spot, it was installed in the nook. The space instantly went glamourous and the sparkly curtains I made for the windows reflected the light on the glitzy sparkles in the dark.

The vanity with the vanity stool was a big hit and I hope it will be useful as the little girl grows. It was one of my treasure finds, and after I gave it a makeover (see the Before & After page) the art deco furniture came alive in full shine.

The beautiful fairy has it own magic;  I liked the sharp contrast of the dark purple fairy decal on the light colored wall. She is sharp:)

The cornices on the window treatments were made in the more classical style with a great modern fabric to complement the purple color scheme in the room.

And here is the final surprise: The canopy with flowers. Read my next post about making the canopy.